Falck, Thomas Dorotheus Scheen

Falck, Thomas Dorotheus Scheen[1]

Mann 1829 - 1889  (60 år)

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  • Navn Falck, Thomas Dorotheus Scheen  [1
    Født 24 Feb 1829  Strømsø, Drammen, Buskerud Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Døpt 18 Okt 1829  Strømsø, Drammen, Buskerud Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Kjønn Mann 
    Yrke Kjøpmann  [1
    Yrke Konsul når han døde  [1
    Død 18 Jul 1889  Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Gravlagt 22 Jul 1889  Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Person ID I29317  Eidsvollsmennenes etterkommere
    Sist endret 29 Des 2012 

    Far Falck, Christian Friederich,   dp. 6 Nov 1795, Halden, Østfold Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 30 Aug 1847, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder ~ 51 år) 
    Mor Hount, Hanna Elisabeth,   dp. 25 Jun 1798, Vangs sogn, Voss, Hordaland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Nov 1849, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder ~ 51 år) 
    Gift 22 Des 1826  Halden, Østfold Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 4
    Famile ID F10407  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie Lindahl, Anna Cathrine,   f. 10 Aug 1842, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Jan 1924, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 81 år) 
    Gift 22 Mai 1862  [1, 5
     1. Falck, Hans Lindahl,   f. 19 Mar 1863, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1937, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 73 år)
     2. Falck, Christian Fredrik,   f. 25 Jul 1864, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1939, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 74 år)
     3. Falck, Hanna Elisabeth,   f. 29 Jun 1867, Stavanger, Rogaland, NO Find all individuals with events at this location
    Famile ID F10409  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Notater 

      The firm Ths. S. Falck was established by Thomas S. Falck i
      n 1862.

      Thomas S. Falck was born in 1829. As a young man he moved to England in search of a good business education. After he graduated, he started his own company in Newcastle, and subsequently expanded by opening up a branch in Grimsby. He was appointed Norwegian consul in Newcastle. His business consisted of wholesale fish trading and exporting, and soon also shipping.

      In 1862 Thomas S Falck sold out in England and moved back home to Stavanger, where he established a shipping company. Over time, this represented one of the largest shipping fleets in the country, both in terms of tonnage and the number of ships. Thomas S. Falck also carried on wholesale trading and exporting of fish, herring and prawns, and imported salt. The company owned several fishing vessels and was an important herring salter. It also owned fish landing facilities at several locations in Island and along the Norwegian coast. Thomas S Falck died on his farm, Hillevaag Gaard, in 1889.

      His son, Christian Fredrik Falck, took over the company and continued in the same line of business. During the difficult times after World War I, the shipping business was discontinued although the company continued as a wholesale trader and shipping agent.

      Christian Fredrik Falck was the Swedish consul in Stavanger until his death in 1939. His son, Jacob, took over the company Ths. S. Falck in 1936, and changed its name to Jacob Falck. The company continued with importing, trading, commercial agencies and as shipping agent, which became an increasingly important part of its business activities. Jacob Falck was the Swedish consul in Stavanger until his death in 1980.

      In 1953, his son, Thomas S. Falck, became co-owner of the company, and continued its shipping traditions. The shipping agency part of the business gradually grew in volume and importance. Thomas S Falck is the Greek consul in Stavanger. His eldest son, Thomas S Falck, Jr., was made co-owner of the company in 1983. He is the British consul in Stavanger.

      In connection with the construction of a gas terminal at Kårstø, Falck Shipping A/S was established in 1984.

      The companies Jacob Falck ANS and Falck Shipping A/S are the biggest shipping agents in the district and represent all the major oil companies and shipowners. Other important lines of business are forwarding and customs clearance, and the company owns its own bonded warehouse for goods going to and from ships. Administration of laid-up tonnage and the manning of laid-up ships have also been important business activities.

  • Kilder 
    1. [S6720] GEDCOM file imported on 6 March 2013.

    2. [S6777] MINI Strømsø 1815-1829.
      S. 187, L. 35 Kildeinformasjon: Buskerud fylke, Strømsø, Ministerialbok n r. I 11 (1815-1829), Fødte og døpte 1829-1830, Døde og begr avede 1815, side 187-188. Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read ?idx_kildeid=8469&idx_id=8469&idx_

    3. [S6774] MINI St. Petri i Stavanger 1879-1895.
      S. 153, L. 35 Kildeinformasjon: Rogaland fylke, St. Petri i Stavanger, Mi nisterialbok nr. A 17 (1879-1895), Døde og begravede 1889 , side 153. Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read ?idx_kildeid=6342&idx_id=6342&idx_listetype=bg&idx

    4. [S6763] MINI Halden 1815-1834.
      S. 425, L 3 Kildeinformasjon: Østfold fylke, Halden, Ministerialbok nr . I 3 (1815-1834), Ekteviede 1827, side 424-425. Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read ?idx_kildeid=7424&idx_id=7424&idx_listetype=vi&idx_kjonn=&u id=ny&idx_side

    5. [S6760] MINI Frue, Randaberg i Hetland 1849-1869.
      S. 227, L. 21 Kildeinformasjon: Rogaland fylke, Frue, Randaberg i Hetland , Ministerialbok nr. A 2 (1849-1869), Ekteviede 1862, sid e 227. Permanent sidelenke: http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:kb_read ?idx_kildeid=1597&idx_id=1597&idx_listetype=vi&idx_kjon