Mathiesen, Augusta Thomine

Mathiesen, Augusta Thomine[1]

Kvinne 1856 - 1905  (48 år)

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  • Navn Mathiesen, Augusta Thomine  [1, 2
    Født 31 Jul 1856  Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3, 4
    Døpt 9 Okt 1856  Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Kjønn Kvinne 
    Død 16 Jan 1905  Kristiania Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2, 3
    Person ID I23770  Eidsvollsmennenes etterkommere
    Sist endret 15 Sep 2013 

    Far Mathiesen, Nils,   f. 16 Sep 1829, Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 2 Des 1900, Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 71 år) 
    Mor Flood, Constance Margrethe,   f. 26 Sep 1835, Eidanger, Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 10 Mar 1896, Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 60 år) 
    Gift 21 Jun 1852  Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
    Famile ID F8445  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

    Familie Christie, Olaf,   f. 31 Jan 1850, Askvoll, Sogn og Fjordane Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Jan 1924, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 73 år) 
    Gift 1 Nov 1878  Porsgrunn, Telemark Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 3
     1. Christie, Anne Elina,   f. 15 Sep 1880, Haugesund, Rogaland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Aug 1956, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 75 år)
     2. Christie, Constanse Margrethe,   f. 20 Mai 1882, Porsgrund Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Jul 1949, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 67 år)
     3. Christie, Wilhelm Frimann Koren,   f. 9 Jan 1885, Bergen, Hordaland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Des 1956, Oslo Find all individuals with events at this location  (Alder 71 år)
    Famile ID F8447  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

  • Kilder 
    1. [S2744] GEDCOM file imported on 6 March 2013.

    2. [S10181] Slekten Christie i Norge, Helga Christie.

    3. [S2846] Skiensfamilien Flood.

    4. [S2797] SAKO, Porsgrunn ministerialbok, 6 (1841-1857), s. 271, nr. 1 (1844), 149.

    5. [S2797] SAKO, Porsgrunn ministerialbok, 6 (1841-1857), s. 271, nr. 1 (1844).